Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Interfaces of Strategic Leaders System - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Interfaces of Strategic Leaders System. Answer: Introduction: Strategy can be defined as a process or an effort that is made by individuals or team to achieve long term goals and objectives. Strategies are essentially the blue print or the route map of executing plans towards a particular destination (Slack, 2015). Among the finest qualities that must be possessed by a leader, perhaps the most important quality that a leader must possess is good strategic analysis. For a leader to be strategic it means that a leader must have curiosity towards the changing aspects of the society and analyze how the change in these aspects might impact on a particular organization or a business. Strategic leaders must possess the quality to ask and answer disruptive questions. Arguments are the prime subject of strategic analysis. A strategic leader maintains a balance within all the stakeholders and balances the interests of all stakeholders like investors, customers and the employees of the organization (Simsek, Heavey, Fox, 2018). Thus, to put simply, a leader possessing strategic quality must be capable to handle adverse situation, look out for positive aspects in extreme pessimistic situations, must be aware of personal strengths along with the strength and weakness of the team and identify the key reasons that de-motivate employees. On a broader perspective, it can be said that the strategies that a leader posses are turned into tactics by the leader to ensure the maximum benefit of the employees. Amongst the most important qualities that a strategic leader must possess is loyalty towards the company, judicious and unbiased use of power, having broadened outlook, motivating employees, compassionate towards employees etc. Leaders possessing strategic leading qualities are resource of any company. They are hugely responsible for the growth and inflation of any organizational sectors (Rothaermel, 2015). The contribution o0f the strategic leaders towards a business are as follows: Communication strategy: Any action taken for execution of work is the result of conversion of strategies. The leader explains the team the strategy, thus the team works according to it. Collaborating team members: Strategic leaders are able to collaborate the team members by the dint of strong collaboration skills and mould them preparing to march forward towards a common goal. The individual objectives are not counted here and the members are focused towards the organizational goal. Coordinating members: A strategic leader coordinates team members in the context of completion of complex projects. For instance, the strategic skills that are required to get a traditional project done, may not par with complex projects. The leader needs to apply new set of strategies to maintain team coordination and accomplish goals. Conflict management: Conflicts if not resolves may damage the very base of an organization. Strategic leaders using their communication and convincing skills manages and resolves conflicts so that internal conflicts do not harm projects. This in results in increased profit margins of any company. Reference List Rothaermel, F. T. (2015).Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., Fox, B. C. (2018). Interfaces of Strategic Leaders: A Conceptual Framework, Review, and Research Agenda.Journal of Management,44(1), 280-324. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd.

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